Se siete a Milano: So critical, So fashion!

Tre giorni di moda critica, etica e indipendente
So critical So fashion: 21-22-23 settembre 2012
Frigoriferi Milanesi via Piranesi 10, Milano.
 ...Anche quest’anno la parte espositiva di  So Critical So Fashion sarà affiancata  da eventi, workshop e incontri legati al mondo della moda  milanese, italiana ed internazionale e che faranno parte del Programma Culturale 2012..

Espositori edizione 2012

So critical so fashion, the first event of this kind in Italy, comes to its third edition. Organised by Terre di mezzo Eventi, it is a fair that gathers small enterprises, environmentally safe and with high standards of quality, and young and independent brands. A showcase of those socially responsible fashion projects that bring sustainability in the long-lasting tradition of fashion, together with esthetics, quality, innovation and trends.
The event will take place from Friday 21 to Sunday 23 September, during the Milan Fashion Week: an opportunity to find alternatives to traditional market, for today’s consumers seeking their own fashion style without renouncing to a good look, quality and innovation.

The event
Hosted by the Italian capital of fashion, Milan, So Critical So Fashion aims at presenting critical fashion not only as an example of economic growth but also an important phenomenon at socio-cultural level. More than 40 selected exhibitors will sell their current collection and show a preview of S/S 2013; performances, workshops, laboratories will be also hosted in the multi-functional location of Frigoriferi Milanesi. Visitors will also find relax areas where to enjoy music sessions and catering with organic food at the “Cucina dei Frigoriferi Milanesi”...(more)


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